Suppose you possess funds within your centralized exchange, such as Coinbase, and aim to utilize Definitive. In that case, the objective is to send those funds to a non-custodial wallet and deposit them into the Definitive platform.
On the Coinbase homepage, click on "Send & Receive" to send your funds to another address.
In the popup box:
Select which token you want to send
Enter the amount of token
Select which network if it is an asset that be part of multiple chains, mainly stablecoins
Enter the address of your non-custodial wallet
Preview send
You have the choice to send the token to a non-custodial wallet or to a custodian like another exchange or institution. Select non-custodial wallet.
You have now sent the token to your wallet. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed and finalized.
Congrats, you can now use Definitive's Advance Trading or Yield Strategies by depositng into the platform. Check out out those guides to start!
Last updated